Kendrick Lamar Gets Named The "Best Rapper Alive"

You're a the definition of a "hater" if you think Kendrick Lamar is not on top right now. He has so much going on from new music to touring and putting on one of the best shows!!

When Beyoncé rocks out to your show with her baby Blue, you know you're the one.

He recently appeared on the cover of "Rolling Stone" where they called him "the greatest rapper alive." 

But if you recall Kendrick Lamar's interview with Big Boy, he did say he's "The Goat" so this isn't news to him (or us) but we do love seeing him on the cover! 

Read the full interview in the link above.

That's just a taste of what kind of show he puts on! Check out the energy in that room. This is why you can't miss a Kendrick Lamar show.

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